High Quality WWII German Reproductions

SS M43 Single Button Feldmütze - Panzer

Price: €80.00

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Panzer Waffen SS M43 Einheitsfeldmütze Black Wool with single button closure. .
Lining is 100% heavy cotton. The side tapes are white toned gauze like tape. The machine woven BeVo insignia Elsenau Militaria made - are straight sewn to the cap's front.

High quality reproduction with all small details:


  • White binding tape under the scallop seam.
  • BeVo SS insignia are Elsenau Militaria made. - cant get them elsewhere. 
  • Preßstoff visor stiffener.
  • Ear muff loops.
  • Buttonhole made"cut-before" type. This is because the cut-before machine will first cut the buttonhole slit and eyelet, then stitch the buttonhole. The stitching overcasts the
    raw edges of the cut, preventing them from fraying.

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