Waffen SS EM collar tabs
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High Quality Reproduction Runic Collar tabs, copied straight from original collar tab.
April 2024 - New Buckram
Available in 2 versions:
-White (early-mid war) - Worn until the end of the War.
-Gray (mid-late war)
Last photo shows original SS Kragenspiegel from my collection.
the reputation of elsenaumilitaria.com is no longer to say, thank you very much.
Got collars and em sidecap. Love the textile and visuals!. 10/10
These are very accurate SS collar tabs. The details , such as the thin border surrounding the runes, is the most accurate i have seen. On other repros this border is too thick. This set is more accurate.
Most accurate on the market!
Eine sehr gute und saubere Arbeit von Elsenau Militaria. Für mich das non plus ultra, an hoch qualitativen Reproduktion. Ich bereue den Kauf nicht und bin sehr froh, ein weiteres Meisterwerk, mein eigen zu nennen. Sie in einem Reenactment zu verschmutzen, tut schon fast weh. Momentan sind sie in der Vitrine und machen einen schönen Eindruck. Den kauf, kann ich nur empfehlen!! Grüße aus Sachsen/ Germany!
Good quality
Verry realistic
Excellent product.
High quality tabs ++
Van Tricht
The quality of these collartabs is unbelievable. The best reproduction collar tabs out there by a landslide. If you are someone with high standards of quality for a uniform and you dont really know where to buy your collar tabs, Elsenau will fulfill all yout expectations for high quality collar tabs and basicly everything they sell too. Worth every Cent you spend.
Hello,as usual excellent product from your workshops,merçi beaucoup@bientot.
It's always a blast when I receive a packet from Elsenaumilitaria :D I recommend this shop to everyone who doesn't just want "a" uniform
Excellent, unsurpassed quality, I will get more, as they say back home, "it does not eat bread"
The collar tabs are fanthastic
Fantastic SS collar tabs truer than nature, really great job@bientot
Really impressed with the quality, definitely the best out there!